General Rules

Race Rules
1) It is not allowed to push and block others.
2) Cheating is not allowed.
3) Cutting is not allowed.
4) Write or talk is not allowed under the race.
5) In case you are lapped you have to slow down.
6) It's not allowed to go over the white line in a race and when you get in and exit from box.
Overtaking it's an action that request attention, sometimes it can compromise driver's race so there are some rules that drivers have to respect:
1) Every driver during a battle have to keep driving pattern.
2) During a overtaking it's not allowed zig-zag, driver who is defending can change direction only 1 time. (NOTE: when you overtake someone and you have to defend it's allowed change direction 1 time).
3) In case 2 drivers are side by side and they cornering the driver more behind can't cut trajectory, he has to slow down and let through the driver in front.
4) When 2 drivers cornering the driver in front must to vacate the trajectory for allow at the driver behind to turn.
Every collision and accident will be investigate at the end of the race from a jury composed of others drivers. It's request that drivers save a replay, record race or capture a photo for examine the accident. In case a driver has not the evidence (photo, video...) it won't be assigned a penalty.
NOTE: drivers who have collision can ask to jury to examine the accident within a day (otherwise it won't be examination)
It's composed from other drivers who are not involved in accident. The decision will be comunicate within 2 days.
Types Of Penalties
There will be 2 types of penalties:
a driver can lose points in the driver/team standings or he can't join in successive qualify.
a driver lose points from driving license.
Driving Licence
Every driver who join in the championships will have a driving licence. At the beginning of the season drivers will have 15 points on driving licence that they should manage. For every infraction there will be take off points on licence. When points are 0 the driver is banned for 1 race. The driving licence is valid for a championship it means that if for example at the end of a championship a driver has only 2 points on driving licence, in the successive championship he'll have 15 points on driving licence. The driver who lose points on driving licence can recuperate his points if he doesn't violate rules in successive races. Below are reported points that drivers lose on driving licence in case he commit an infraction:​
-6 Pts on the driving licence for have damaged/caused an accident with 2 or more cars during the races.
-5 Pts on the driving licence for have damaged/caused an accident with another car during the race.
-4 Pts on the driving licence for ignoring blue flag.
+2 Pts on the driving licence if the driver doesn't violate rules in successive races.
NOTE: drivers can have max. 15 points on the driving licence that it means that drivers who have yet 15 points won't add more points.
When a driver get a penalty can lose points on drivers' standings or he can't join in qualify:
-7 pts for multiple accidents (where a driver hits 2 or more cars in a race and drivers have to retire because damages are serious).
-5 pts for multiple accidents (where a driver hits 2 or more cars in a race).
-4 pts for a serious accident between 2 drivers (where a driver hits another driver and this can't continue the race for serious damage).
-3 pts for a slight contact (where the driver who was hit can continue the race).
-3 pts when drivers do zig-zag during a battle or if they are lapped.
-2 pts or can't join qualify in successive race for ignoring blue flag more times during a race.
-1 pt or can't join qualify in successive race for ignoring blue flag 1 time during a race.
-1 pt or can't join qualify in successive race when a driver goes over the white line when he gets in or gets out from box.
3rd Driver
Teams have a reserve drivers that he can run ONLY for replace one of 2 drivers that can't run. He gets points for driver that he replaced.
Lobby Settings
Lobby is private so you can get in room only with an invitation.
It will be etablished and comunicate before championship start if aids are allowed and which aids are allowed. For see which aids are allowed in the various championships you must go in the championship page and click on championship rules.
The setup is free.
Force default setup: No
Weather will be random. Slots will be 3.
Slot 1: Random
Slot 2: Random
Slot 3: Random