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Special Events Sign Up

How can i Sign Up?

For sign Up you have to fill in the form. Please write your correct ID and check if the number of car choosen exists. 

(NOTE: in case spots aren't aviable, you'll be added as Reserve Driver).


How Sign Up as Reserve Driver?

It can happen who someone of drivers registred can't join, we give you another chance to join, you have to fill in the form and you'll be added as Reserve Drivers in case spots aren't aviable (Check the number of drivers registred and the spots aviable). In case there are free spots you will be contacted and invited in the room before race starts.

(NOTE: Drivers will be contacted and invited in registration order).


How Many Spots are there?

For see how many spots are aviable check below in ''Room Settings''.

(NOTE: Spots aviable can change every event).


How can i get in room?

Once you signed up you will added in the group on PS4, so it's easier for the organizer to invite you in the room.


In case i get disconnected can i join next race?

Yes you can, you have to wait that the race finishes and you'll be invited in the room.


Where will be published the final standing?

The standing will be published in the group on PS4 and saved in the website.



1) It's not allowed to push and block other drivers.

2) Cutting It's not allowed.

3) Write messages in the group or talk It's not allowed during the race.

4) In case you're lapped you have to slow down.

5) It's not allowed to go over the white line when you get in and exit from box.


Points System: 

1st:  25 pts

2nd: 18 pts

3rd:  15 pts

4th:  12 pts

5th:  10 pts

6th:  8 pts

7th:  6 pts

8th:  4 pts

9th:  2 pts

10th:  1 pt


Room Settings:

Privacy: Private

Category: Aston Martin G12 (Road Car)

Circuit: Monza Gp

Laps: 20

Spots Aviable: 15

Tyres Consummation: Real

Fuel Consummation: Real

Pit Mandatory: No

Weather: 1 Slot (Sunny) 

Weather Progression: -

Date Circuit: 2 pm

Time Progression: x2

Damages: Yes

Flag and Penalties: Yes

Setup: Default

ABS: Yes

Traction control: Yes

Stability control: Yes


Special Event

Drivers' List


  2. ibrich

  3. albyzane

  4. vectro666

  5. raisey_real

  6. boartj_

  7. fleyboy08_15

  8. husa71

  9. supertotie10

  10. NikoZava

  11. Thunderhead_74

  12. mannis

  13. Mathgamer7885

  14. Maneframe1977

Reserve Drivers

  1. Jacknjil

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